Beka finance on the investment banking map in spain
Position and maintain Beka Finance on the investment banking map in Spain
Consolidate its role as an expert in alternative capital markets (MAB, MARF), promoting the different business areas through the creation of unique ad-hoc content in TIER 1 media.
The strategy
Reputation and visibility of Beka Finance and its business divisions
The design and development of the campaign by Evercom included:
- Design of the communication
- Preparation of key messages and pitches.
- Management of interviews and news reports
- Drafting of press releases and editorials.
- Identification of speaking opportunities.
The solution
Beka Finance became a leading source of information for the media in its different business divisions (FR, VR, FC and Analysis Department) and in investment banking operations.
A high-impact campaign
"With Beka Finance we learned how to position and generate an impeccable reputation for a boutique investment bank, which operates in a sector monopolised by the big financial institutions".