Canon, much more than just cameras
A new corporate strategic plan for the leader in image technology.
Canon, much more than just cameras
- Continue to promote the positioning of the Canon brand and the company’s corporate reputation in Spain.
- Showcase the company’s different B2B areas and reach both the technology media and journalists in niche sectors for the multinational.
The strategy
We developed a communication strategy with two action fronts: a corporate front that would allow us to continue promoting the group’s messages of innovation, sustainability and leadership; and a business front aimed at showcasing and communicating the company’s different business units and their solutions.
This strategy has allowed Canon to maintain a close relationship with the media outlets, professional printing and technology, among other niche media.
The solution
At Evercom, we helped Canon maintain its reputation as a leading brand in innovation through the business and generalist press while increasing its media presence for its target audience.
"We are proud to be part of the success of such an innovative company as Canon. We are very happy to help them boost visibility of the new disruptive businesses in the world of image technology in which it is operates and look forward to many more years supporting them".